Pečený králík se zelím a bramborovým knedlíkem


Should be Martin's goose, but somehow nezadařilo. Without the geese it just does not. What about trying something different? A young duck or maybe a rabbit? around? Pro dva? So what rabbit legs? To by šlo. From childhood I remember roasted rabbit quite often, She was a domestic breed - and I remember harvesting hay and working around, but I always prefer the front foot. He used to be, I think, with cabbage and potatoes or dumplings. Today, after years of the rabbit coming back within the adventure, I reach for the thighs. How all this will turn out? I went through a couple of recipes from everywhere and get something passed.

kralik 09 P1090415


We need:

2 rabbit legs (ca. 500 g)

2 lžíce sádla

1 cibuli

5 stroužků česneku

50 g bacon



Several peppercorns

100 ml vody


How do you:

Cut the onion into half-moons and do in the pan for meat lair. salt meat, spread with lard, add chopped bacon, stroužky česneku, that just crushed flat knife, Several peppercorns, pokmínujeme a little water.

Cover the casserole dish (I have a habit of reaching for the foil) and bake in oven preheated to 200 ° C. Bake 90 minutes, pak odkryjeme Crack, Pour over meat sauce and bake more 30 minutes. To do crust. That alleviate the temperature to 180 ° C.

Serve with potatoes or potato dumplings andsteamed cabbage sour.


Enjoy your meal.



Save the rabbit legs to the bed of sliced ​​onions, přidáme česnek, slaninu, salt and pokmínujeme. pour water.
Save the rabbit legs to the bed of sliced ​​onions, přidáme česnek, slaninu, salt and pokmínujeme. pour water.
Cover the pan, if you do not have the same or a second lid, it is sufficient to cap a Tinfoil.
Cover the pan, if you do not have the same or a second lid, it is sufficient to cap a Tinfoil.
Bake at first 200 ° C hour, then reduce to 180 ° C and bake for another half an hour covered, Then take off the foil, Pour over meat sauce and bake uncovered another half an hour.
First bake at 200 ° C for an hour, then reduce to 180 ° C and bake for another half an hour covered, Then take off the foil, Pour over meat sauce and bake uncovered another half an hour.
Finále. Rabbit with cabbage and potato dumplings.
Finále. Rabbit with cabbage and potato dumplings.



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