simple? Just? delicious! Recept na Viennese potato salad You can also find here. If you choose rice as a side dish, Need more juice. This inpirovala prepare me a little bit and led John Florentýna Zatloukalová. I like the fact the Austrian approach to natural slices. Prepared piece of meat in it, first one side to impress flour, then abruptly browns, pulls out of the pan, and the ladle used to quickly prepare juice. It seems brilliant. I just fiddled a bit in the preparation of sauces and butter put directly into the broth, which then create a sauce. Flotentýna think, that this Austrian meat preparation retains a little better taste. I agree! Additionally him, push the fellow - Viennese potato salad. It was not a mistake.
Need: |
- 500 g pork chops z kýty
- 150 ml vývaru
- 80 g 2 until 3 lžíce sádla (Duck
- 30 g butter
- 2 lžíce hladké mouky
- salt
- Meat tenderize gently on one side only.
- After the cuttings edges nakrojíme maybe at intervals dvoucentimetrových. If you do not, meat in a frying pan you curl. that, How it works Hot Heat, will start to shrink and warp. If you see more cuts, it is to mine a bit clumsy hands. The result was that not signed. For me would be signed, if there were not those slots.
- Slightly posolíme both sides.
- Heat the lard in a large pan. Sliced meat tenderized side put into the flour and then gently shrug.
- Put the meat aside flour into the hot oil and fry until golden abruptly.
- Turn the meat and fry until golden again.
- Opečené maso dáme stranou. Fat in a frying pan pour hot broth in which we dissolve a cube of butter. Bring to the boil and cook for about 2 until 3 minuty.
- Return meat to broth. Let bubbled and about 2 minuty.
- Serve with salad or rice Vienna.
Viennese potato salad | Lightweight and without mayonnaise
Before the celebrations of the 100th anniversary of the proclamation of an independent republic, it seems like sacrilege. Vienna salad but that policy does not. Like the classic potato salad is not worth it, that fame began to build in Russia. For the origin of potato salad reportedly stands a French chef, which made him famous was in Russia. There was preparing him for a selected elite Moscow. But do not count among this elite music in the year 1917. The first recipe for fried carp with potato salad, served with Czech cookbooks to get up in 1924. Although the salad had been contained root vegetables, However, a large portion of mayonnaise in it lacked. A Viennese simply missing. Plus, when you add Pork cutlet prepared after the method of Austrian, as you waltz the Blue Danube.
Already, cook it with us everyone (so we can not ignore Zdenek Pohlreich). A není divu. However, prepare Viennese Kartoffelsalat, as if there was only one single. idea? suspects, but prepare Viennese potato salad as if nothing had happened. Already, they are alright. The Austrian recipe missing eggs. But there are recipes with egg. So choose. It's always like Russian roulette. I have to add more peas. Just try what you think. |
Need: |
- 400 g potato
- 1 red onion
- 500 g pork chops z kýty
- 2 egg
- 3 nakládané okurky
- 1 spoon bílého vinného octa
- salt
- pepper
- flour
- 150 ml beef broth
- 150 g sádla
- 50 g butter
- 200 g sterilized peas
- Brambory uvaříme ve slupce, It should do so 30 minutes. Finely chop the red onion, as well as cucumbers and cut them potatoes. Vejce uvaříme natvrdo. And then it all goes like clockwork. So she Preparation 45 minutes sitting. moreover, when cooked potatoes, you can prepare many things, but I needed the 15 extra minutes. I probably slow cook. matters? Try it faster by myself.
- eggs cut them.
- Mix potatoes with eggs.
- Add the finely chopped onion and sliced cucumber, Then pour a little broth.
- Pour a little vinegar.
- Pepper to taste.
- Přidáme hrášek.
- Add salt to taste.
- Gently toss salad.
- And it is done.
Chilli with beef | Texas in Czech Republic
I prepared this recipe several Texas, So it is strange, it is not here yet. I fix it now. All writing chilli, Texans but he writes like chili. With one L. It has many options, mainly depending on the type of meat, It is also a version for vegetarians, which is called chili sin carne, Thus, chili without meat. We are foods with a Spanish name referring to Mexico, But Texas was once part of Mexico. A recipe dates back to 1850, It was already Texas Texas. When Lieutenant Colombo gives chili, so it actually gives, what to cook tonight.
Need: |
- 360 g ground beef
- 1 cibuli
- 1 spoon olivového oleje
- 2 papriky
- 5 cloves garlic
- 1 plechovku krájených rajčat
- 1 plechovku black beans
- 250 ml beef broth
- 2 lžičky crushed cumin
- 1/2 lžičky římského kmínu
- salt
- pepper
- 1 spoon tomato puree
- 1 spoon majoránky
- 10 g cukru
- scallions
- We will prepare.
- Na oleji zpěníme nakrájenou cibuli.
- Přidáme nasekaný česnek a koření.
- Promícháme a necháme provonět. Pozor, česnek potřebuje malou chvíli, jinak zhořkne.
- Add the minced meat.
- Dobře osmahneme.
- Add chopped peppers.
- Přidáme nakrájená rajčata i se šťávou.
- Přilijeme vývar.
- Přidáme cukr a majoránku.
- Přidáme pepř a osolíme.
- Add the beans lautered.
- Promícháme a zakryjeme. Dusíme tak 20 minutes.
- Přidáme protlak pokud chcete víc rajské pasty v chili.
- boil so 10 minutes.
- Necháme stát ještě 10 minutes, to taste interlink.
- Podáváme s rýží nebo třeba jen s chlebem. Zdobíme jarní cibulkou.