Papriky plněné rizotem a mletým masem


Still just flesh? Pardon, This time it could be a mitigating circumstance, we fulfill paprika and so it seems to me, we're on a meaty filling somehow accustomed. But it's nothing drowning in sauce. Actually, it's such a light dinner.

Pepper basil still dozdobíme, We can be served with lettuce.
Pepper basil still dozdobíme, We can be served with lettuce. It would probably look even efektněji.



2 Large yellow peppers, the color was not so essential, so you can reach for the red and green, I chose yellow

20 g butter

1 lžíce olivového oleje

olivový olej ve spreji

1 pórek (pro 2 will do some part 10 cm)

75 g Arborio rice

300 ml kuřecího vývaru

100 g mletého time

40 g grated Parmesan cheese

čerstvou bazalku


How do you:

Peppers cut off the top part, will serve as a lid. Peppers rid of the seeds and membranes. Dáme na plech vyložený pečícím papírem, s spray of olive oil spray, season with salt and pepper. Retract them on the tops and bake 20 minutes in a preheated oven at 190 ° C. Then we take off the tops of peppers and even some dopečeme 5 minutes. Turn down the temperature to 180 ° C.

Meanwhile rozhřejeme butter and oil over medium heat, Add the finely chopped leek and about restujeme 3 minuty, to soften leek, then add the rice and stir. Resto about 2 minuty, to rice vitrified. Now, add a little warm chicken broth and mix. A little we reduce, another dose of broth repeat the process. Občas promícháme, let's rice takes time, to do, This should take about 20 minutes. so přiléváme, stir, redukujeme. Then add the minced meat, chopped basil and Parmesan. Toss, osolíme a opepříme.

Roasted red peppers to divide the filling and bake 20 minutes, then still to retract peppers “handsaw” tops and let it bake 5 minutes.

Before serving, sprinkle with chopped basil. We can thus serve or to add pepper leaf lettuce.


Enjoy your meal.


Peppers tops cut off, insides get rid of the seeds and membranes.
Peppers tops cut off, insides get rid of the seeds and membranes.
Peppers s spray olive oil spray.
Peppers s spray olive oil spray.
Salt and pepper.
Salt and pepper.
Oven Ready.
Oven Ready.
Melted butter and oil and fry the leek.
Melted butter and oil and fry the leek.
add the rice, There round grain risotto, it seems to me, that its size fits the filling.
add the rice, There round grain risotto, it seems to me, that its size fits the filling.
Add chicken broth piecewise, reduced and then again add the broth. everything takes 20 minutes, to rice cooked.
Add chicken broth piecewise, reduced and then again add the broth. everything takes 20 minutes, to rice cooked.
Add the minced meat, osolíme a opepříme. Toss.
Add the minced meat, osolíme a opepříme. Toss.
Fill with a mixture of peppers in store.
Fill with a mixture of peppers in store.
After cooking, garnish with basil.
After cooking, garnish with basil.

Pikantní kuřecí paličky


I know, I bring nothing to brag, but this is a quick and good. therefore, If you get any variance with sharper taste. The basis is Siraj sauce, So the genie, which drained the bottle and let marinate chicken drumsticks. Nothing more to it. Mysterious illuminate another name - it's chilli sauce with just the right gush out.

Chicken drumsticks can be served with sweet chilli sauce and baguette. Or, if you find that you have much spice to make řesnekový dip or just dip of yogurt, sour cream and chives.
Chicken drumsticks can be served with sweet chilli sauce and baguette. Or, if you find that's too spicy, take your garlic dip or just dip of yogurt, sour cream and chives.



4 kuřecí paličky (This is a pro two)

sauce sriraja, and half a bottle, which has a content of 250 g




vegetable oil, again I used canola


How do you:

mallets wash, salt, pepper and add oil in quantities, which embraces drumsticks. Then add the sauce sriraja, uzvařeme into the box with a lid, Shake (mildly, you do not have to play the mixer or mixer) and let cool. Let it marinate overnight calm, Who has the patience, can wait only one hour. Longer marinating, however, has the advantage, He gets into the meat more flavor sauces and meat softens more.

Slice the onion into slices and top with the bottom of the pan. Then, insert sticks and pour marinade. Place in a preheated oven at 200 ° C and bake for about freely leave 20 minutes, if the meat bakes too, Reduce temperature to 180 ° C. Then we turn sticks and even bake so 10 minutes, who has a grill, may tighten sticks and barbecue 2 until 3 minuty (but watch, You had greaves!).


Enjoy your meal.


Sriracha or too sriraja  (But perhaps it is more correct CH, because the sauce is named after the Thai town of Si Racha) is sold worldwide, and in Los Angeles has even organized a special festival dedicated to this specialty.
Sriracha or too sriraja (But perhaps it is more correct CH, because the sauce is named after the Thai town of Si Racha) is sold worldwide, and in Los Angeles has even organized a special festival dedicated to this specialty. At onion wheels are perfectly roasted chicken drumsticks.


Kuřecí s uzenou paprikou a mušlemi


turn chicken? but go, can be done in many ways. So why not to take a quest for chicken, which should not take long. It's almost time for dinner. So hurry to the stove!

kureci s muslemi 09 P1090551


We need:

2 Handful of pasta shells, This dose should be for two

1 červenou papriku

1 zelenou papriku

1 red onion

3 lžíce olivového oleje

6 until 8 small mushrooms

4 stroužky česneku

1 teaspoon smoked paprika

500 g rajčatového pyré

300 g chicken thigh fillet


How do you:

Boil the pasta in salted water, Strain and put aside.

Heat a oil and add sliced ​​peppers, onions on crescents and finely chopped garlic. Resto, to soften vegetables. So 8 minutes should be enough. add the puree, so gently, when in the box a little left, it is better than there hrknout everything and then regret it. Salt and pepper.

Fry in oil on both sides of chicken, to give it a golden color. Some of it before add salt and popepřete. Decentně. Feel free to go into the breast, I'm the only guerrilla, he thinks, it can not be helped. And here it goes. Baking should last 4 until 5 minutes from one side. The meat cut into small pieces. If it were breast, I sliced ​​them into slices.

Meat, Mix the pasta mixture of vegetables and heat through more.


Enjoy your meal.

Already, if in the end turns out to be a meal for four to five people, and not for two, that can happen. Already, I also could invite the neighbors.




Pečený králík se zelím a opečenými bramborami | Tohle už můžete znát


This recipe is a variation, who have been here. Could be a part of it, But I think it would be a shame.

kralik potatoes 08 P1090505

Recipe for roasted rabbit find tady. But you can choose between dumplings or potatoes.

How do you:

Boil the potatoes, then peel and salt, You can still use mixtures of spices with garlic and herbs. Fry in oil, to which we added a few cloves of garlic, which after several minutes We take. fry potatoes.

Serve with roasted rabbit and cabbage.


Enjoy your meal.


Heat the oil, may be rape, Add the garlic cloves and cut into eighths boiled potatoes.
Heat the oil, may be rape, Add the garlic cloves and cut into eighths boiled potatoes.
Salted and spiced roast potatoes. Garlic after a few minutes, remove.
Salted and spiced roast potatoes. Garlic after a few minutes, remove.