Brambory sarladaise v české verzi | Thus, potatoes a la sarladaise the meatier form | French, nekamenujte me please
The French are well acquainted with Pommes de Terre Sarladaises, a canonical French potato dish made of three components: potato, garlic and fat. Thus duck fat and fit as a supplement to confit kachničce. During a long search, it is not just about fat duck, but also is used goose fat, clarified butter or ghee, an Indian clarified butter. Duck fat you get when cooking duck, Goose again when roasting geese, Logic. Ghee buy the healthy foods (little wild designation, as if to say, elsewhere they are junk food, But now it does not solve). Pommes de Terre jsou v překladu brambory.
Původní myšlenka byla udělat francouzské brambory, but we know how to do? The closest they all potatoes are just sarladaise. Forget variants šunkofleků, a place where you put the pasta potatoes, It's just something a bit different. I came across on the Czech variant, where they are in the recipe extra fresh mushrooms. And already we scored… Admittedly, this will be a little residual cuisine, But do not think about those remnants in a pejorative plane. Prostě doma zbyl kousek vepřového kolena, tak co s ním?! Pokud chcete připravit originál, zapomeňte na další přísady a zůstaňte pouze u brambor, tuku a česneku.