Další reminiscence na pobyt u moře. Krevety mi pomohou navodit tu atmosféru, pohodovou, how else. Už tu máme prawns ašpagety a zase další pochutnání. Najdete tu ještě další adalší. Ale jedeme dál. No zalistujte si třeba na těchto stránkách ještě o něco víc.
Need: |
- 250 g krevet – tyhle kousky jsou z farmy ve Vietnamu
- 12 cocktail tomatoes
- 3 cloves garlic
- 2 červené cibule
- 120 g špaget
- 1/2 citronu
- volume bazalky
- pepper
- salt
- olive oil
- Dáme vařit osolenou vodu a do ní pak v momentě varu přidáme špagery. Vaříme al dente. so that 8 minutes.
- Chop the red onion. Jednu najemno, druhou na půlměsíčky.
- Nasekáme stroužky česneku.
- Nachystáno.
- Rozpálíme olivový olej na středním plameni.
- Osmahneme cibuli do sklovata.
- Přidáme česnek a krátce osmahneme. Pamatujte, že česneku stačí 30 seconds.
- Přidáme krevety.
- Přidáme rajčata, částečně překrájená, částečně celá.
- Add the chopped basil.
- Zakapeme šťávou z poloviny citronu.
- Přidáme zcezené špagety.
- Zalijeme vodou ze špaget. mix well.
- Salt and pepper.
- Podáváme posypané ještě nasekanou bazalkou.
All in one pan: kuře s cizrnou a rajčaty | Inovace s bramborami
Vždycky mi vadí, když najdu nějaký recept a musím si lámat hlavou co k tomu jídlu za přílohu. Je neskutečné, jak se všichní spoléhají na to, že prostě víte. A já nevím a vy taky nevíte. Already, zkušenost nám dá jisté vodítko, ale to neberu. Therefore, these pages also such unpleasant surprises not get,cs. It's called a meal in one pot, Try one pan, too good.
Servings | Prep Time |
2 osoby | 10 minutes |
Cook Time |
20 minutes |
The annex you do not have to worry about this time either. Will equal parts food. But potatoes can be omitted entirely and just have a great meal. Ne, that there were also unnecessarily, s nimi je to stejně skvělé.
The annex you do not have to worry about this time either. Will equal parts food. But potatoes can be omitted entirely and just have a great meal. Ne, that there were also unnecessarily, s nimi je to stejně skvělé. |
Need: |
350 g
chicken thigh fillet
červenou papriku
2 cloves
1 spoon
300 g
tin cizrny
canned tomatoes with herbs,cs
2 špetky
Slice potatoes.
Uvaříme je v osolené vodě. It takes so 15 minutes, takže je dobré začít právě bramborami.
Slice peppers.
And meat.
Meat with salt and pepper, promícháme. Maybe just arms.
Delicate pieces of fry in oil.
The meat is pulled and a little browns. Add onion and restujeme, aby změkla. So 4 until 5 minutes.
Přidáme k masu papriku.
Vmícháme scezené brambory. Season with salt, pepper and basil.
Cizrnu, we have well-flushed, protože je z konzervy, adding to a mixture of.
Add the chopped tomatoes and juice. simmer about 5 minutes. So over medium heat.
We cover and simmer, tak asi 10 minutes, teplotu zmírníme. Občas promícháme.
Before serving, sprinkle with chopped parsley.
Karbanátky v červené omáčce s cizrnou | Se šťouchanými bramborami
Tak tohle jídlo bude takové trošku jako na hlavu. Ale nekruťte hlavou, try it. Karbanátky s bramborovou kaší, to tak asi bude klasika, dumal jsem už nad bramborami v kastrolu. A také jsem si nebyl moc jistý, zda to k sobě sedne podle představy. Tak jsem si to nakonec rozmyslel už za běhu a místo kaše budou šťouchané brambory. A k tomu mix sekaných rajčat s cizrnou. Oboje mám pořád po ruce, kdyby udeřil nápad nebo byla nutná rychlá improvizace.
Servings | Prep Time |
2 osoby | 10 minutes |
Cook Time |
30 minutes |
Need: |
- 400 g mletého masa - Mix of pork and beef
- 1 egg
- 1/2 lžičky mletého černého pepře
- salt
- 60 g grated cheese
- 1/2 lžíce olivového oleje
- vegetable oil - Baking burgers rape
- 1/2 white onions
- 4 lžíce krájených rajčat
- 4 lžíce cizrny
- 2 lžíce olivového oleje
- 100-150 ml kuřecího vývaru
- 1 spoon bazalky
- 300 g potato
- salt
- handful hladkolisté petržele
- kousek butter
- Chop the onion and fry in olive oil. add tomatoes, chickpeas and simmer for a while. add the broth. cook and 5 minutes on medium heat. Add a teaspoon basil, zakryjeme a dusíme ještě 5 minutes.
- We'll have to cook nadrobnější diced potatoes in salted water.
- Meanwhile, mix the minced meat with egg, pepper and salt.
- Create patties using a large spoon, which then shape the still wet hands, which then fry in oil on medium-high flame, tak 4 until 5 minutes each side.
- Get rid of the oil in a skillet, rub it lightly necessary kitchen roll. Sprinkle with olive oil, Warm and put burgers back into the pan. For each pancake put a good pinch of grated cheese, Pour each spoonful of sauce and cover with. Leave it to rest 3 minuty, make the cheese melted. Then add the remaining sauce, the meatballs, Cover and slow fire 3 minutes, then heat through.
- It is thus time to prepare annexes - mashed potatoes. potatoes, pour off, smash mačkadlem and polokaši, Stir in butter and chopped parsley. Possibly even slightly season with salt.
- Serve meatballs with mashed potatoes.
Chicken breasts stuffed with piquant spices,cs | A whiff of Louisiana in the Czech Republic
Such moreover there. I've done differently roládky, but this time it will be quite an adventure. Because I okouknul trick, how to create a breast slices suitable for wrapping. Just to roll and baking paper. Meat is smashed, Paper adequately protect him. When I speak of a flurry of Louisiana, I am referring to the southern part of Cajun, where they were during the Seven Years War, moved out of the current Canadian francophone residents. I was talking about it in the recipe Cajun fish fillets. Hence the Cajun seasoning mix. Ingredients for her may be different,cs, even onion powder, which I do not, but we make do without him. Much of the taste of this cuisine (so near Creole) closer. No, pochutnáme if.
Servings | Prep Time |
2-4 osoby | 20 minutes |
Cook Time |
45 minutes |
Need: |
- 2 lžičky granulated garlic
- 2 lžičky černého pepře
- 1 spoon white pepper
- 2 lžičky oregana
- 2 lžičky bazalky
- 2 lžičky thyme
- 1 spoon mletého chilli
- 4 lžičky sweet peppers
- 2 a 1/2 lžičky soli
- 2 large chicken breasts ca. 700 g
- 1 more mushroom
- 1 white onion (We use half the attachment)
- 1 yellow minipapriku
- 1 red minipapriku
- 1/2 zelené pálivé papriky
- 1 spoon olivového oleje
- 4 lžíce butter
- seasoning mix
- several sheets pak choi
- 1/2 Pork
- 1/2 white onions
- 1-2 lžíce butter
- several small potatoes
- Chicken breasts put between sheets of baking paper and roll into thin slices tenderize.
- Mix all the ingredients for the seasoning mix.
- Prepare vegetables, peppers rid of the seeds and membranes.
- Prepare a finely chopped white onion half, chopped peppers and sliced mushrooms.
- In high temperature heat oil, We roast some vegetables 5 minutes.
- On the chicken slices put a pinch of grated cheese, 2 until 3 spoon roasted vegetable mixture on top and put again grated cheese.
- Carefully wrap the chicken plate and we close with toothpicks. Place in a baking dish.
- Rolls well sprinkle with seasoning mixture on top and put the pieces of butter.
- Dáme do trouby předehřáté na 200 ° C and bake for about 35 until 40 minutes. In the middle of cooking meat sprinkle with a little hot water.
- Meanwhile, boil the potatoes in their skins in salted water, which add roast meat and about 10 minutes before the end.
- Butter fry sliced leek, crescents on chopped white onion (That left us from preparing fillings) and chopped pak choi. So 3 until 5 minutes on medium heat.
- Serve with a mixture of vegetables and small potatoes.