Long a really good stew,cs | Version 2.0

Clearly, Yet everyone knows stew! And we have several recipes and the, from which I come now called Opravdu dobrý guláš. Although the skvěký American stew, which aroused emotions on topreceptech, it is also a great. No, We will move the former.

Serve with dumplings
Serve with dumplings

Votes: 1
Rating: 5
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Servings Prep Time
2-4 osoby 15 minutes
Cook Time
110-120 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2-4 osoby 15 minutes
Cook Time
110-120 minutes
So I dusted off really good stew and without having been appointed worse, this is a long stew a little different and cooked very slowly.
Votes: 1
Rating: 5
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Servings Prep Time
2-4 osoby 15 minutes
Cook Time
110-120 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2-4 osoby 15 minutes
Cook Time
110-120 minutes
So I dusted off really good stew and without having been appointed worse, this is a long stew a little different and cooked very slowly.
Long a really good stew,cs | Version 2.0
How do you:
  1. Cut the meat into smaller pieces.
    Maso nakrájíme
  2. The melted lard and fry. The surface of the meat should pull, turn gray, at least, if some bits allow them to brown more, only good.
    Maso opečeme
  3. Maso opečeme
  4. Add finely chopped onion and finely chopped peppers and ram's horns, restujeme, to onion vitrified. It's a good mixture of meat and onion mix, aby cibule změkla. Like that 6 until 8 minutes.
    Přidáme cibuli
  5. Paprika
  6. Add the garlic paste, Stir and add the chopped tomatoes and juice. Pour a little broth (or water), Cover and let braise 15 minutes.
    Přidáme česnekovou pastu
  7. Zalijeme vývarem
  8. add the peppers, zakryjeme a dusíme 10 minutes. Stir in paprika, kmín a majoránku a dusíme dalších 15 minutes.
    Přidáme papriky
  9. Přidáme koření
  10. Dusíme
  11. Do not mix 2 teaspoon harissa. Osolíme (Attention, garlic paste already contains salt!), pepper, pour broth as needed (helpful in this, what we want to have the consistency of stew). Simmer on low heat yet 60 minutes.
    Dusíme 60 minut
  12. In conclusion Mix flour with water and pour the sauce. Stir and simmer for a while. Covered still leave to come off the stove.
    Mouka s vodou
  13. Vlijeme mouku
  14. Serve with dumplings, bread, bread rolls, pasta or baguette.
    Podáváme s knedlíkem
  15. Podáváme s těstovinami