Penne with spicy salami and cheese | Rychlá akce

This time is the surprise, Pasta is not going to cook separately, but also directly with others.

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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
25 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
25 minutes
The point is, that this matter quickly and prepare you for pochut 20 minutes.
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
25 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
25 minutes
The point is, that this matter quickly and prepare you for pochut 20 minutes.
Penne with spicy salami and cheese | Rychlá akce
How do you:
  1. Sausage cut into slices and fry in hot oil. So 4 minuty. Add finely chopped onion and let it soften, about 4 minuty. We will add the chopped garlic. Then add the chopped bell peppers into strips and toss. Osolíme, season with pepper and basil. Toss.
  2. Pour in the broth and add the penne. Toss, We reduce the temperature and cover. Dusíme tak 15 minutes, the pasta cooked.
  3. In the finals, mix the chopped spring onions and grated cheese and cover, make the cheese melted.
  4. served.

And otherwise:
Place the peppers can add a tin of chopped tomatoes and juice and cream, tak asi 100 g, I would say. Just to taste and reflections. It will be a little different recipe, but it will also taste great.

Kung pao chicken by Pannan | China from America,sk

Pannan is smiling woman from Needville, Texas, so this will be such US China. China, the Czech ones are probably quite familiar chronically, usually contain a mixture of vegetables from the inscription of China blend, or just China. We know what's going on. Although the bag I, I tried a bit of good or bad option. Behind his back with Pannan. And when you taste this goodness, try even another - act with Florentýnou, I also enjoy. With Florentyna have done in eight minutes, Here's add a few minutes, but definitely worth it. Enjoy your meal.

Votes: 2
Rating: 5
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 6 minutes
Cook Time
10 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 6 minutes
Cook Time
10 minutes
No mixture from the bag (nothing against), but this time we go for spring onion and garlic. Do you get to play fresh ginger. I used dried, bit and prepare for it the aroma of fresh ginger, but the taste remains.
Votes: 2
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 6 minutes
Cook Time
10 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 6 minutes
Cook Time
10 minutes
No mixture from the bag (nothing against), but this time we go for spring onion and garlic. Do you get to play fresh ginger. I used dried, bit and prepare for it the aroma of fresh ginger, but the taste remains.
Kung pao chicken by Pannan | China from America,sk
How do you:
  1. Breast fillet, cut into cubes, that coat in cornstarch.
    Obalíme ve škrobu
  2. In a wok heat oil, to which we add sesame oil. Fry chicken in Zlatava. I guess 7 minutes.
    Na oleji opečeme
  3. Chicken Remove from pan and set aside. Do we pans finely chopped spring onions, white and green part. Fry, then add the crushed garlic and chilli flakes. Stir and fry so 20 seconds.
    Cibulku, česnek a chilli orestujeme
  4. Meanwhile, when roasting chicken prepare the sauce. mix vinegar, soy sauce and sugar.
    Omáčku smícháme
  5. Pour the sauce into the pan with the onion.
    Přidáme omáčku
  6. Return to pan chicken.
    Maso dáme do pánve
  7. Add the roasted peanuts. Mix well and simmer for a while.
    Přimícháme arašídy
  8. Podáváme s rýží, Pour over rice with meat sauce.
    Servírujeme s rýží

stuffed eggs | Improvisation

So this issue every certainly tried, canapes or hors d'oeuvre, jak chcete. It's that simple, just filling in the balance.

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Servings Prep Time
1 person 10 minutes
Cook Time
6 minutes
Servings Prep Time
1 person 10 minutes
Cook Time
6 minutes
Try also to play, with nothing to go wrong. Even though - if you use Dijon mustard, Keep Calm in quantities. Better (and certainly subtle in this case) It is a classic mustard, It is still softer, without that distinctive taste. But if you fancy Dijon, I will not defend. The chute to Toho!
Votes: 1
Rating: 5
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Servings Prep Time
1 person 10 minutes
Cook Time
6 minutes
Servings Prep Time
1 person 10 minutes
Cook Time
6 minutes
Try also to play, with nothing to go wrong. Even though - if you use Dijon mustard, Keep Calm in quantities. Better (and certainly subtle in this case) It is a classic mustard, It is still softer, without that distinctive taste. But if you fancy Dijon, I will not defend. The chute to Toho!
stuffed eggs | Improvisation
How do you:
  1. Boil hard-boiled eggs. Finely chopped bacon and fry in a pan dry.
    Slaninu opečeme
  2. Green part of the spring onions finely chop.
    Cibulku nakrájíme
  3. Přepůlíme eggs lengthwise and remove yolks.
    Žloutky vyjmeme
  4. Break the yolks with a fork, add to them mustard, mayonnaise, bacon and onions. mix well. We add salt to taste and připepřit.
  5. Eggs fill the mixture and let cool. For one of just two eggs, All multiply the number of diners and everyone will be satisfied.
    Vejce naplníme

Baked mackerel with peppers and tomatoes | Never ending story

This recipe has many years of use, I did not actually know, which originated. Nejspíše má původ ve variantě šunkofleků nebo francouzských brambor, as they used to do at home. Over time, therefore, appeared variant with pasta, pak bramborami – a rybou. Nejspíše děláte něco podobného a málem také poslepu. Makrelu můžeme použít uzenou, or opečenou. A výsledek pořád bude stát za to.

Votes: 1
Rating: 5
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
40-50 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
40-50 minutes
Vařit pro dva je vždycky trochu svízel, pokud nechcete jíst několik dní po sobě to samé. Někdy se to dá zvládnout do posledního sousta, někdy je potřeba roztočit mozkové závity a pokračovat v nějaké obdobě ze surovin, které jsou po ruce. A protože mi zůstala v kuchyni opečená makrela, chuťově totožná prakticky s tou uzenou, máme tu variaci zapečené ryby.
Votes: 1
Rating: 5
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
40-50 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
40-50 minutes
Vařit pro dva je vždycky trochu svízel, pokud nechcete jíst několik dní po sobě to samé. Někdy se to dá zvládnout do posledního sousta, někdy je potřeba roztočit mozkové závity a pokračovat v nějaké obdobě ze surovin, které jsou po ruce. A protože mi zůstala v kuchyni opečená makrela, chuťově totožná prakticky s tou uzenou, máme tu variaci zapečené ryby.
Baked mackerel with peppers and tomatoes | Never ending story
How do you:
  1. Brambory předvaříme ve slupce, about 5 minutes. Cibulku nakrájíme nadrobno, peppers, zbavenou semínek, napříč na kolečka. Oloupané brambory rozkrojíme podélně na čtvrtiny a pak je napříč nakrájíme na drobnější kousky.
  2. Na pánvi rozpustíme máslo a dáme zesklovatět cibulku.
    Zesklovatíme cibulku
  3. Přidáme papriku a brambory. Osolíme, přidáme špetku kmínu, bazalky a oregana. Promícháme a na mírném ohni dusíme 5 minut zakryté poklicí.
    Přidáme papriku a brambory
  4. Část směsi brambor dáme do zapékací misky. Na ni položíme kousky makrely zbavené všech kostí i kůže a překryjeme na kolečka nakrájeným rajčetem.
    První vrstva směsi ryby
  5. Rajčata překryjeme zbývající částí směsi brambor. Dáme do spodní části trouby předehřáté na 200 ° C and bake 20 until 25 minutes.
    Přidáme bramborovou směs
  6. Pečeme rybu
  7. Rozmícháme vejce ve smetaně a přidáme nadrobno nakrájenou goudu. Směsí zalijeme makrelu s bramborami. Return to oven and bake another 20 minutes. Posypeme špetkou oregana a necháme péct 5 minutes.
    Nalijeme smetanu
  8. Podáváme s kyselou okurkou.