I love surprises, in America, you enjoy Americans incredible power, especially, when they are surprised by, what in Europe we consider it absolutely normal. Tak třeba z filé dokáží našlehat naprosto seběvědomě i s doporučením, that this recipe, who are going, They teach people to cook from the garden of a mermaid in Brooklyn.
Thank the, end fun.
Let's go into fillets, fried in butter.
This classic certainly know. So let's take it. If you are using during roasting and flour, Forget it. I have to admit, flour that I missed the first time and obviously it's better. Serve with another classic - mashed potatoes. Clearly, it's not rocket science, but enjoy himself.
This classic certainly know. So let's take it. If you are using during roasting and flour, Forget it. I have to admit, flour that I missed the first time and obviously it's better. Serve with another classic - mashed potatoes. Clearly, it's not rocket science, but enjoy himself. |
Fish fillet with mashed potatoes | Twice classic
How do you:
- Fillets osolíme a opepříme. And if you have a boarder, which requires a dose of his cumin, He still indulge.
- Heat the pan with thick bottom, and when the pan is hot enough, add oil to it. After a moment, put on the pan fish fillets. We reduce temperature to medium and saute about so 3 minuty. Then add butter to fillet. We cook on both sides for a few minutes.
- Serve with mashed potatoes, garnished with chopped parsley leaf.
- Boil potatoes in salted water, cut into small cubes. It is good potatoes before cooking and rinsed several times to get rid of the starch. Once potatoes are soft, Pour off the water and mash potatoes. Pour the heated milk and stir as needed. A serving of porridge can douse dripping from fillets or just add a bit of butter.