Already, turn chicken. But this time I want something completely original, although certainly lurking somewhere similar recipe. No nic, We go and try it. An attempt is always to start to any discovery, although it should be just a simple dinner.
There are two ways, which will give. The first is, that we fry the chicken pieces and let cool. Then mix with others. The second way is the, When we create a salad and then add to it, still warm chicken. Both should taste. So which we? second, after it vychlanutí chicken pieces actually go back to the first. A pretty good the way third, of which there are not yet talking. It is this, let the potatoes completely vychlsdnout, so lukewarm salad.
There are two ways, which will give. The first is, that we fry the chicken pieces and let cool. Then mix with others. The second way is the, When we create a salad and then add to it, still warm chicken. Both should taste. So which we? second, after it vychlanutí chicken pieces actually go back to the first. A pretty good the way third, of which there are not yet talking. It is this, let the potatoes completely vychlsdnout, so lukewarm salad. |
Chicken with potato salad Tartar | Experiment in the kitchen
Need: |
- 300 g potato
- 250 g chicken thigh fillet
- olive oil
- butter
- 2 soudková rajčata
- 1 cibuli
- 100 g tatarské omáčky
- pažitka
- 2 egg hard-boiled
- salt
- pepper
- 140 g sterilized peas (small tin)
- 140 g canned golden corn (small tin)
- 1 spoon hořčice
How do you:
- Slice the potatoes and boil in salted water. Peel and slice into quarters (year, they're small potatoes!). Boil hard-boiled eggs. Chop the onion.
- Chicken fillets, cut into small pieces, proužky, jak chcete. Osolíme, pepper and fry in oil and butter, stir-fry 5 minutes.
- Mix the potatoes with onions and finely chopped tomatoes.
- Add the chopped egg and mustard.
- Toss, pepper and salt.
- add the chives.
Wine sausage baked with tomato and eggs | Morning surprise
When I have sent baked sausage, I had two options. Giving a reprise for dinner the next day or try something new. Why not breakfast, that?! I have never had those here too.
Wine sausage baked with tomato and eggs | Morning surprise
Need: |
- 1 tomato
- 1 spirála vinné klobásy
- butter
- 2 egg
- salt
- pepper
- pažitka
- 2 lžičky hrubozrnné hořčice
How do you:
- Vymažeme zapékací misku máslem a poklademe dno rajčaty nakrájenými na silnější kolečka. Put in the oven preheated to 200 ° C and bake 20 minutes.
- Na pečená rajčata přidáme pečenou klobásu.
- Klobásu pomažeme hrubozrnnou hořčicí a rozklepneme vejce. Osolíme, případně opepříme a dáme zpět do trouby, pečeme ještě tak 10 minutes.
- Po vyjmutí z trouby posypeme nasekanou pažitkou.
- Podáváme s cherry rajčátky a lehce opečeným toastovým chlebem.