Servings | Prep Time |
2 osoby | 10 minutes |
Cook Time |
20 minutes |
Greek sausage with red beans | Lunch almost on the beach,cs
Need: |
- 260 g Greek original sausages
- 1 červenou papriku
- 3 cloves garlic
- 1 a can red beans 400g, has 240 g beans
- 1 a can krájených rajčat v tomatové šťávě
- 2 lžíce olivového oleje
- salt
- pepper
How do you:
- Sausage cut into slices and fry in a well 2 tablespoons olive oil. Like that 6 minutes. We put aside into a saucepan.
- On the oil and fry the chopped red pepper, and after a while, add chopped garlic, which requires a minute, A maximum of two.
- The contents of the pan, then add the roasted sausages.
- Add the strained and rinsed beans and chopped tomatoes and juice, Stir and reduce the temperature. bubbled. Salt and pepper. cook for about 8 minutes.
- Serve with bread, or with baguette.