Korean skewer | Trip to Asia and back

Each kitchen will certainly appears even meat on a stick or skewer, which is actually an extension of such methods of roasting on the grill, hence any stake or stick and SACU, that it is happening from the moment, when people started to cook. So from us to savor skewer, jinde na kebabu, but still it resembles. Let's try, how this is dealt with in Korea.

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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
25 minutes (+ age pickle)
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
25 minutes (+ age pickle)
So we have a skewer, kebab, kabob, Nice, Šašlik Truth, souvlaki, yakitori či shish. We need skewers, meat and vegetables. If you do not grill, check out the oven, that also can not broil.
Votes: 2
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
25 minutes (+ age pickle)
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
25 minutes (+ age pickle)
So we have a skewer, kebab, kabob, Nice, Šašlik Truth, souvlaki, yakitori či shish. We need skewers, meat and vegetables. If you do not grill, check out the oven, that also can not broil.
Korean skewer | Trip to Asia and back
How do you:
  1. Maso nakrájíme na kostky. Mix all the ingredients for the marinade and set aside half a. Put the meat into a sealable plastic bag or box and pour half of the marinade, let cool. Yes mininálně on 30 minutes, but you can marinade time to work through the night.
    Co potřebujeme
  2. Onions and peppers can cut into pieces and alternately put onions on a skewer, peppers and meat. (Wooden skewers are good before use soak in water for at least 30 minutes, Meat from them more downloads.)
    Maso na špejlích
  3. Straighten on the grill pan and pour in various parts parts marinades, we have postponed. Osolíme, pepper and can sprinkle with sesame seeds and.
    Sůl, pepř, sezam
  4. Place the pan in the middle of the oven. Grill for about 6 minutes each side, It depends on the oven. When turning back rub marinade.
  5. Můžeme servírovat
  6. Serve with fries, dip, okurkou a cherry rajčátky.
    Způsob podávání

Shandong chicken wings | Chinese cuisine in the Australian-Czech administration

You know Shandong? It is a familiar substance, maybe, if you are interested in prehistory, you starts shantungosaurus, tedy ještěr ze Šantungu, quite the giant residents of the province during the late Cretaceous, those interested in the history of the battle of surprise shantung, or also battle in the Yellow Sea, when in August 1904 The Russians got in a fight with a Japanese Manchuria capsized. The Japanese enjoyed a victory, Russians drank from the cup of bitterness. But we will give you a different taste. From the culinary offerings of Chinese provinces, which lies to the south of Manchuria, Mainland's kind of finger pointing in half of the Korean Peninsula, you probably know Shandong chicken or duck. Despite Australia flew to my recipe for chicken wings. V položkách je obligátní sójová omáčka a zázvor – a ty také asistují při přípravě křídel. Zaleťme si do kuchyně.

Votes: 3
Rating: 5
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 15 minutes
Cook Time
40 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 15 minutes
Cook Time
40 minutes
So what I started talking again, so I briefly. Let's go to my favorite chicken wings. We must also prepare the marinade, but this time her wings wait, because we'll need until the end.
Votes: 3
Rating: 5
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 15 minutes
Cook Time
40 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 15 minutes
Cook Time
40 minutes
So what I started talking again, so I briefly. Let's go to my favorite chicken wings. We must also prepare the marinade, but this time her wings wait, because we'll need until the end.
Shandong chicken wings | Chinese cuisine in the Australian-Czech administration
How do you:
  1. Mix soy sauce, ocet, cukr, chopped chillies and ginger. Place in a sealable skelnice and Shake, to dissolve the sugar. Then we put in the refrigerator 2 chill hours.
    Připravíme marinádu 1
  2. Zatřeseme
  3. Mix the flour with salt and pepper. In the mixture, wrap the chicken wings. Excess flour Shrug.
    V mouce obalíme křídla
  4. In a saucepan, heat oil deeper, in a really thick layer of oil heated to 180 C Fry wings in parts, It should be completely submerged. fry until golden brown, about 10 minutes.
  5. Dáme hodně oleje
  6. Wings put them in kitchen paper towel, the oil okapal. When we all finished, přendáme them in a bowl and pour a mixture of soy sauce. Toss.
    Osušené dáme do misky
  7. Marinádu přelijeme přes křídla
  8. Serve with dip and bread rolls or baguette.
    Podáváme s přílohou

Pikantní česnekové kuře se zelenými fazolkami

Kuře ovoněné česnekem v pikantní omáčce je skvělá rychlá večeře. Něco ve stylu šup sem šup tam. Already, Just kidding, ale tak nějak to je. Než si uvaříte rýži, budete mít skoro hotovo.

Votes: 3
Rating: 5
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
20 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
20 minutes
Nemusíte se bát ostřejšího koření, vše se v omáčce spojí a nic nebude vyčnívat. Klidně přidejte do omáčky o dvě lžíce vína víc, uvidíte, že i tak ve finále omáčku při vaření bude potřeba ještě trochu ředit. Každopádně finálně by omáčka měla být hustá, ale tekutá. A když už tak všechno voní asijsky, připravte si jako přílohu jasmínovou rýži.
Votes: 3
Rating: 5
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
20 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 10 minutes
Cook Time
20 minutes
Nemusíte se bát ostřejšího koření, vše se v omáčce spojí a nic nebude vyčnívat. Klidně přidejte do omáčky o dvě lžíce vína víc, uvidíte, že i tak ve finále omáčku při vaření bude potřeba ještě trochu ředit. Každopádně finálně by omáčka měla být hustá, ale tekutá. A když už tak všechno voní asijsky, připravte si jako přílohu jasmínovou rýži.
Pikantní česnekové kuře se zelenými fazolkami
How do you:
  1. Kuřecí maso nakrájíme na kostky. Smícháme všechny ingredience omáčky.
  2. V pánvi wok zahřejeme olej a opečeme kuřecí kousky dorůžova. Opečené kuřecí maso dáme stranou.
    Maso opečeme
  3. Do pánve dáme nakrájené zelené fazolky a za stálého míchání opečeme. So 2 until 3 minuty.
    Orestujeme fazolky
  4. K fazolkám v pánvi přidáme opečené kuřecí maso a zalijeme připravenou omáčkou. Promícháme a na střední teplotě vaříme až omáčka zhoustne. Pokud je až příliš hustá, kvůli škrobu, přilijeme horkou vodu. Teplotu zmírníme a vše necháme provařit.
    Maso přidáme k fazolkám
  5. Vše zalijeme omáčkou
  6. Podáváme s rýží. Vytvoříme na talíři rýžové lůžko a přelijeme je omáčku s masem a fazolkami.
    Servírujeme s rýží

coco chicken | Co by Tso mohl mít na stole

If you were ever in America, and if you visit a Chinese restaurant, maybe you stumbled on the menu at the General Tso Chicken. But it has several other names, well, I do not know. Recipe putoval the province of Hunan, where nature seems like in the movie Avatar, Also, its creators took the local national parks with protruding rocks, -covered trees and disappearing in the fog, for inspiration. Magic is the birth of food, Chinese general who never ate. Žil totiž v 19. století a jídlo mělo vzniknout až ve 20. století, in the kitchen, Chef Peng, Popular government leaders. And when Mao dopochodoval to Beijing, Peng Chang-Kuei found asylum for himself and his “reaction kitchen” na Tchaiwanu, where he continued his career as official chef until 1973, before he moved to New York City, where he opened a restaurant. Peng your recipe named after a famous native hunanském Tso, which is logical, after all other native was just Mao. US launch recipe apparently was not very famous, Guests seemed too sweet chicken. No, if you've ever eaten American desserts, He would have to climb and sugar from your ears, well, I do not know. But the recipe has undergone several changes, to suit the clientele of restaurants. So Tso began pulling on the famous culinary field, even he has a few names and permutations and variations, US Naval Academy he served under the name Admiral Tso Chicken, even Tso from Central China hardly ever commanded at sea.

No, pojďme se pustit do vaření. Pokud mě chcete kamenovat za svérázné pojmenování, počkejte až ochutnáte.

Votes: 3
Rating: 5
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 15 minutes
Cook Time
20 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 15 minutes
Cook Time
20 minutes
The basis of the recipe soy sauce, rice wine, rice vinegar, cukr, cornstarch, dried red chili peppers (throughout), garlic. This recipe is slightly simplified variation - and its role here got hoisin sauce, very thick and having a slightly sweet taste.
Votes: 3
Rating: 5
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Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 15 minutes
Cook Time
20 minutes
Servings Prep Time
2 osoby 15 minutes
Cook Time
20 minutes
The basis of the recipe soy sauce, rice wine, rice vinegar, cukr, cornstarch, dried red chili peppers (throughout), garlic. This recipe is slightly simplified variation - and its role here got hoisin sauce, very thick and having a slightly sweet taste.
coco chicken | Co by Tso mohl mít na stole
How do you:
  1. Troubu si předehřejeme na 220 °C. Meanwhile, cut chicken fillets into smaller pieces.
  2. Coat the chicken in flour.
    Moukou obalíme
  3. Then coat the pieces in beaten eggs.
    Obalíme ve vejcích
  4. Then wrap the meat still in crushed cornflakes.
    V kukuřičných vločkách obalíme
  5. Meat, coated in breadcrumbs, Lay on the grid, pokapeme oil (or use spray) and bake in middle of oven. Bake 13 until 15 minutes. We'll also cook rice. If you want broccoli as a side dish, You can still wait a while, blanch so 3 minuty (cook in salted water, Then cool down in cold water).
    Poklademe na mřížku
  6. Meanwhile, mix chicken broth, soy sauce, cukr, hoisin omacku, vinegar and cornstarch. Mix well, to sugar and starch dissolved. If you chose the dried chili peppers, it is time to use them in sauces. Povaříme 2 until 3 minuty.
    Omáčku připravíme
  7. Pour sauce and chicken pieces, that is wrapped.
    Obalíme kouskyy v omáčce
  8. Serve on rice spread out on a plate. Chicken still slightly pour sauce, add chili peppers, Sprinkle with sesame seeds and chopped spring onion tops.
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