So apparently set aside broth, which arises when cooking meat ovarového, would be an unpardonable sin. No, I cooked smoked (the lens) and because it is almost the broth (with carrots, onion and parsley), I was sorry that flavored water. Why not to use it, that?! No, original vegetables've destroyed, so we begin a new story.
Na topreceptech se po přidání tohoto receptu strhla bouře protestů a málem to vypadalo na lynčování. Cože to dělám té prdelačce a černé polévce a tak vůbec, when it's soup of smoked meat and there's not even a little bit of hash and pork blood. Ani to, že jsem recept nazval jako falešnou ovarovou polévku mě neuchránilo od podezření, že jsem se prostě zbláznil. No, Good, až budu porážet prase a vařit všechny ty tradiční zabijačkové laskominy, přijde asi ke slovu i černá polévka a do vývaru, ve kterém ovařím tlačenku, jitrnice, jelita je pak jím ještě umeju nádobí (lavory, trays) the hash and still in the stir of the bloody trip around, So jelítkového hash roast in brutvanu ((brutvan, brutfan, prutvan, brutvaň, brutfaň, brutvuň, brutfuň, brotvan, brtvan, brótfan, protvan, płotvan), Thus a baking pan with a hood-shaped baking pan, pak se nechám roztrhat divokovou zvěří a rozčtvrtit a rozemlít, když ovarovou polévku udělám jinak než má být. Sice tápu, který krajový recept je ten pravý, nejspíš budu losovat. Ale až zase budu vařit uzené maso, protože je pak měkkoučké, a zbyde mi vývar, sáhnu po tomhle receptu na falešnou ovarovou polévku. Ona je totiž dobrá.
Servings | Prep Time |
2-4 osoby | 40 minutes |
Cook Time |
25 minutes |
Need: |
- 1000 ml vývaru z vepřového masa
- 500 ml zeleninového vývaru
- 100 g cooked pork
- 100 g mrkve
- 80 g root parsley
- 50 g řapíkatého celeru
- 200 g cooked groats
- 4 cloves garlic - Chop finely
- pepper
- salt
- majoránku
- pepper
- 1 baguettes
- kousek butter
- hladkolistou petržel
- Hail Rinse and let stand, then cook for about 30 minutes, until they are soft. Drain and rinse with cold water.
- Carrots and parsley finely chop, as well as cooked smoked pork, celery stalk, cut into wedges fine.
- Mix broth and add to the pot of sliced meat and vegetables. Chop the garlic and add to the soup. Opepříme a osolíme.
- Add the cooked barley and marjoram. Simmer over medium heat for about 20 minutes.
- Slice baguette into slices and fry it in butter.
- Polévku podáváme s opečenou bagetou. Decorate with chopped parsley. When toasted baguette still rub garlic, it's delicious.
When cooking hail mainly depends on their size. If there are very small, You need to cook a few minutes, if larger, They have to boil even an hour. Hail also enters into a cooking, Therefore beware, as in a large saucepan and cook the amount. Indeed, they may take on up to five times the volume!
Pour into a bowl hail, pour lukewarm water, propereme is a drain. We are then put into a pot and add water, which should be about 4-5 times more than hail. Then we let them 30 minutes odstát. Water with salt and then to boil. To, they hail finished, we know so, that they are soft and increased in volume. For cooking, you can also use a different approach, which, although longer, we save energy. Packaged put into water and immediately bring to the boil. Then switch off and let them 30 minutes odstát. This procedure was repeated twice more and hail are finished. When preparing barley soup, always we boil in a separate saucepan and add to the soup after.
Hail Rinse with lukewarm water, fact about five times, then let stand. those 120 g is finally welded to the 400 g and we need 200 g.
Flushed hail put into boiling salted water and cook until tender. Then odcedíme, Rinse with cold water and put in the broth procezeného.