Plnit papriky, to bývá oblíbenou sezonní kratochvílí v kuchyních. Už je tady také máme, jen trochu v jiném vydání a ještě podobně. Ale tentokrát do směsi masa přidáme kapary. Cože? Neznáte? Tak tedy kapary jsou nerozvinutá poupata květů keře kapary trnité, naložená v soli nebo solném nálevu, případně v solném nálevu s vinným octem. Nejlepší kapary pocházejí z francouzského Provence a jsou nazývány „nonpareilles“. Ale možná znáte, jen jste je ještě neochutnali. Tak to zkuste.
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To the meat filling is usually added rice, but why not to change, when as an attachment, we intend to also choose rice. Jena must therefore out of business. And come into play capers. And because they are in brine, otherwise it will conserve salt content in.
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To the meat filling is usually added rice, but why not to change, when as an attachment, we intend to also choose rice. Jena must therefore out of business. And come into play capers. And because they are in brine, otherwise it will conserve salt content in.
Papriky plněné masem a kapary | Rajčatová omáčka nemůže chybět
Peppers cut off top and remove the middle part with seeds.
Add to the minced meat finely chopped shallots, egg, finely chopped garlic, kapary, pepper and marjoram. Stir and fill with a mixture of peppers. Returning to the peppers cut tops.
Into buttered baking dish put stuffed peppers, We pour a little water and bake 20 until 25 minutes at 180 ° C.
On tablespoon of butter let zesklovatět finely chopped onion, add sugar and let it caramelise slightly.
Přidáme rajčatové pyré, bay leaves and allspice. Simmer for about 3 minutes and then pour in vegetable broth. Let it simmer 10 minutes. If you find it too thick consistency, help you in hot water. Adequately.
Mix the flour with water and add to sauce. Stir and let cook 15 minutes.
In conclusion, add a little sugar, a teaspoon of lemon juice and season with salt to taste.
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So just on the edge:
Quality capers depends on the place of origin, their size and the procedure for dealing. They are the best capers from Italy (Sicilian capers), Spain, France, Greece and California. Sorted according to size - from the smallest pareilles having a maximum 7 mm, by surfines, cappucines, condoms, fines, to the largest capers, which says Grossos (over 13 mm). However, the smaller the caper, the greater the delicacy. About those French already been mentioned above.