Country sausage sold in butcher Zizkov, where everything smells fresh and is, and also offer many things, as soon as you meet again. Country sausage is really truly, tasty and great. Such co with ním? Add to it sprouts, waiting to use and when they annexed penne, it is appropriate to have some red sauce. So, add the chopped tomatoes. But do not expect a flood, decently.
Brussels sprouts with country sausage and tomatoes | Why do you nepochutnat?
Need: |
- 1 country sausage – 180g
- 240 g Brussels sprouts
- 3-4 cloves garlic
- 3 lžíce chopped tomatoes canned
- 2 lžíce olivového oleje
- kousek butter
- chilli vločky - ground
- salt
- černý pepř - ground
- 100 ml zeleninového vývaru
- 120 g penne
How do you:
- We will prepare, What we need. Pene boil in salted water according to the instructions.
- We cut the sausage lengthwise on both sides and cut into slices. Fry in oil. Then set aside.
- Do the same pan, wherein the remaining juice from the sausage put a piece of butter and fry in half the sliced Brussels sprouts. just as 4 until 5 minutes, until cabbage begins to be roasted.
- Add a little minced chilli flakes, osolíme a opepříme.
- To return sprouts roasted sausage.
- Add the chopped tomatoes.
- Pour in broth and stir. Zakryjeme a vaříme asi 3 minuty, then reduce temperature and simmer so 5 until 6 minutes.
- Serve with penne.